neo p1

Fighting air pollution.
One home at a time.

Starting at $179

(Not your average houseplant)

Did you know?

The air in your home is up to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air due to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

These include some of the most carcinogenic molecules on the planet — emitted by solvents and varnishes used in most furnishings, textiles, cleaning and personal hygiene products.

Up to 30x better than top NASA plants

Regular plants tested by NASA sometimes capture VOCs, but without a way to recycle them into useful elements they end up accumulating these harmful pollutants. Instead of storing the pollutants Neo P1 is able to turn VOCs into water, sugars, amino acids and oxygen, which makes it a powerful plant, and an elegant way to purify the air. Check-out the graph below to visualise Neo P1's performance against other plants.

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Air purifying powerhouse

Neo p1 targets the 4 main voc’s present in your home

Neo P1 has been bioengineered by our team to efficiently capture and recycle the 4 most dangerous VOC’s present in your home: formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and xylene. It is the result of cutting edge metabolism engineering and directed evolution of high potential microbiome on a popular houseplant called Epipremnum aureum, also known as Golden Pothos. The combination of these two features enabled us to drastically increase the air purification capabilities of the plant. We've engineered a new era of plants, and Neo P1 is the first of its kind.

Fig1. Gaseous toluene degradation by Epipremnum aureum inoculated with Pseudomonas putida in formulated (green), and unformulated (gray) conditions, 4 weeks after inoculation.

Feature 1: Metabolism Engineering

Epipremnum aureum (commonly known as Pothos — our foundation to build the Neo P1) possesses one of the highest bioremediation efficacy amongst indoor plants and contains tens of thousands of genes in its DNA. Each gene can be thought of as a line of code, instructing the plant to produce a protein with a specific function, helping its cells to survive and thrive.

Through transgenesis, we inserted a few additional genes, or lines of code, enabeling the plant to produce enzymes with a new function: turning pollutants into plant matter. This is called metabolism engineering.

By introducing these genes, we created two new synthetic metabolic pathways. The first enzymatic pathway turns formaldehyde into fructose, a sugar that the plant uses as food source. The second turns benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and xylene (BTEX) into an amino acid that the plant uses as building block for its proteins. This enables every one of the plant’s cells to become a natural air purifier.

Feature 2: Microbiome Engineering

No plant lives alone. In fact they thrive thanks to billions of microorganisms, helping the plant to grow and stay healthy.

There are hundreds of different species of bacteria and fungi living on the leaves, around the roots and even inside the plant, constituting its microbiome. Some of these bacteria are innately able to use pollutants as a food source.

We selected two of these beneficial bacteria, and enhanced their bioremediation efficiency through artificial evolution. These two new bacterial strains are now highly specialised in metabolising either formaldehyde or BTEX.

We then performed microbiome engineering by innoculating Neo P1’s root system with these two strains, creating a symbiotic plant-bacteria relationship designed to clean indoor air of VOCs: we call these Power Drops. This relationship becomes less stable after several weeks, which is why it’s best to innoculate Neo P1 with Power Drops once a month for maximum efficiency.

What makes us different?

The value proposition of Neo P1 is the ability to capture and recycle the main VOC’s, opposed to traditional houseplants and air purifiers.

Fig 4. Value proposition of Neo P1

Power Drops

Power Drops are micro organisms that keep the air purification performance of Neo P1 at the highest level.

  • DoseEvery month
  • Amount2 sachets of 0.3 oz.
  • Price$0 (Included)
Discover Neo P1

The Neo P1


The Shell maximizes air exchange, blending organic and technical elements. It features an eco-friendly PLA Flax shell, derived from renewable resources and biodegradable. Meticulously chosen for sustainability and performance, it offers a thoughtful, elegant addition to your interior space.


The shell is designed to allow maximum air intake, bringing the polluted air in contact with the microbiome-rich soil while increasing root growth and Neo P1’s health.


It is cleverly designed with a water reservoir to maintain optimal health of the plant and provide you maximum convenience - you only have to water Neo P1 once every 3 weeks during winter, and once every 2 weeks over summer.


The soil of Neo P1 is optimised for its air-purification performance, the neoplant's health and the planet thanks to one special ingredient: biochar. It helps the plant grow, provides niches for our microbiome to flourish and is a way to store CO2 out of the atmosphere.

  • Design

    The Shell maximizes air exchange, blending organic and technical elements. It features an eco-friendly PLA Flax shell, derived from renewable resources and biodegradable. Meticulously chosen for sustainability and performance, it offers a thoughtful, elegant addition to your interior space.

  • Airflow

    The shell is designed to allow maximum air intake, bringing the polluted air in contact with the microbiome-rich soil while increasing root growth and Neo P1’s health.

  • Maintenance

    It is cleverly designed with a water reservoir to maintain optimal health of the plant and provide you maximum convenience - you only have to water Neo P1 once every 3 weeks during winter, and once every 2 weeks over summer.

  • Soil

    The soil of Neo P1 is optimised for its air-purification performance, the neoplant's health and the planet thanks to one special ingredient: biochar. It helps the plant grow, provides niches for our microbiome to flourish and is a way to store CO2 out of the atmosphere.